OCTOBER 4, 2019
Administrator Spotlight: Alaska's Terlynn Olds
Administrator Spotlight: Alaska's Terlynn Olds

Part of a regular series.

Throughout the year, GNACSports.com uses this space to profile conference student-athletes, coaches and administrators. Collectively, it is these individuals who make the GNAC one of the top NCAA Division II athletic conferences in the nation.

Name: Terlynn Olds
Institution: University of Alaska Fairbanks
Title: Executive Senior Associate Director
Hometown: Campbellton, Florida

Colleges Attended: Santa Fe Community College, Saint Leo University and the United States Sports Academy.

College Major/Degrees: Bachelor of Science in sport management, master’s in criminal justice and master’s in sport science.

Describe The Primary Responsibilities Of Your Position: I am responsible for all of the day-to-day operations and decision-making of the athletics department. I also serve as the fiscal manager of the department.

What Was It That Led You To A Career In Collegiate Athletics?: I was a high school student-athlete. My high school had such an impact on my life that I believed that, if I worked in sports, I could have a similar effect on a young person's life.

What Was Your First Job In Athletics And What Do You Remember About It?: I was fortunate enough to serve as the assistant coach for the men's basketball program in 1998, and the head coach did not treat me any differently from the male assistants. He shared with me, "If you want respect as a woman in this profession, you cannot show your weakness through tears!”

Favorite Part Of Your Job: Interacting with the student-athletes and making a positive impact on their lives.

Favorite Part Of Working In The GNAC: Meeting the new people that make up this great conference.

Who Has Influenced You The Most As A Professional - Either As An Inspiration, A Mentor, Or Philosophically?: I am a first-generation college graduate; therefore, my family has had the most significant influence on my professional career. I believe that as the oldest sibling and grandchild, I must guide the way for my sister and other immediate family members. Now that I am a parent, I want my son to know the many options that are available for him as a future professional.

If You Could Spend The Day With One Person (Past Or Present), Who Would It Be (And Why)?: Jesse Owens and Angela Davis. I believe that Jesse Owens opened doors for all blacks and people of color to compete in athletics. I would ask him how he was able to handle the challenges that he faced during the Berlin Olympics and his struggle against tyranny, poverty and racial bigotry. I would welcome the opportunity to speak with Mrs. Davis to ask for guidance in standing firm for what matters when society questions the significance of the matter. Both of the historical figures are a part of the foundation of strength that I use daily when facing challenges in my professional career.

Extracurricular Activities: Being Grayson's mom, reading, traveling and playing recreational softball and racquetball.

Favorite Athlete: Magic Johnson and Cheryl Miller.

One Thing People Don’t Know About You Is: I only played basketball to avoid doing chores at home!