APRIL 10, 2020
NCAA Releases Statement On Fall Sports
NCAA Releases Statement On Fall Sports

INDIANAPOLIS - To assist the membership with evaluating medical, operational, and potential rules challenges for upcoming seasons of training and competition, the NCAA has established an internal COVID-19 Playing and Practice Seasons Working Group. This cross-functional, representative group will be responsible for identifying, examining and recommending advice, solutions and/or direction to the relevant governance committees to respond to playing and practice issues of a national scope arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

To begin its work, the group will primarily focus on the sport of football, which will include direct communication with the NCAA Division I Football Oversight Committee and the NCAA Divisions II and III Football Committees, as well as other constituent and governance groups. Emerging strategies likely will be applicable to all fall sports impacted by current events.

The foundation of return to practice and competition is public health.  Assuming safety principles are in place, there are many ‘what if’ scenarios that this group will assess, including possible modifications of conditioning and training in the summer and pre-season. Given currently available data and infrastructure for disease management for COVID-19, it is premature to establish a timeline for when these scenarios may be put in place. The group will provide regular updates regarding its progress and related recommendations with the understanding that any policy or legislative changes must be approved by the membership and the respective divisional governance structures.